Pourquoi les jeunes marques françaises peinent à commercialiser leurs créations ?
La mode française est reconnue pour son savoir-faire et sa créativité, mais de nombreuses marques rencontrent des difficultés à transformer leurs créations en succès commerciaux. Entre la domination des grandes enseignes, l'essor du e-commerce et l'évolution des habitudes de consommation,...
How is E-POP MODE revolutionizing the distribution of fashion designers in France?

In an increasingly saturated fashion market, designers are constantly looking for innovative ways to stand out and increase their visibility. E-POP MODE provides a phygital solution by offering designer corners within multi-brand boutiques and concept stores across France.

How can E-POP MODE help fashion designers develop their distribution and improve their profitability?

A revolution for fashion designers: “phygital” sales

But how a simple QR Code can transform the sales experience

Phygital sales in your commercial strategy is not only a trend, but a necessity adapted to new consumption paradigms. It allows you to maximize your impact, expand your market and innovate your sales approach. Take the step, and transform the trial into lasting success.