The 8 reasons why customers enter the store but don't buy.
As a retailer, you experience it regularly: customers who cross the threshold of your store, take a look at the products, touch them, but leave without buying anything.
This phenomenon is recurrent and can be frustrating, especially after having put so much effort into creating a beautiful window display, a neat layout and quality products. So, why aren't your customers buying? And above all, how can you fix this?
1. The simple act of “window shopping”
Many people enter a store for the pleasure of looking without the intention of buying. It is a bit like a form of leisure or relaxation, where the act of discovering products is enough to satisfy their expectations, without the need to make a purchase.
Example: Some people just prefer to see current trends, without feeling obligated to spend.
Our answer: Customers can scan QR codes and find the products they like, see the different models and add them to their cart, all while continuing to browse.
No pressure to buy, but a smooth experience that can lead to a purchase later. The store will also get a commission.
2. Price as a brake
Product pricing can often be a factor in not purchasing. Even if a customer likes an item, they may not be willing to spend the requested amount, especially if they haven't planned on making the purchase.
Example: A customer may find a piece of clothing they like, but decide not to buy it because the price is beyond their current budget.
Our answer: Customers can find the product the following month in store and purchase it with the QR Code, but they can also pay up to 4 times.
3. Perceived quality and the purchasing experience
If a customer finds that the perceived quality of the product does not match his expectations or the brand image, he will be less inclined to purchase, even if he is attracted to the item.
Example: Fabrics that don't seem durable enough, cuts that aren't flattering, or a shopping experience that leaves something to be desired (unfriendly welcome, messy stores, etc.) can dissuade people from buying.
Our answer: The models presented by E-POP Mode are exclusively made in France (Qualitative image), and many brands use fabrics from the dormant stocks of major fashion houses.
4. Lack of available sizes
When the customer does not find his size, he leaves the store without buying anything, even if he was initially interested in one or more products.
Example: A customer finds a dress she loves, but her size is sold out. She may leave disappointed and not return, or worse, turn to a competitor.
Our answer: Your customers can check the availability of sizes and models in real time directly on their smartphone. If they can't find what they're looking for in store, they can immediately order online and have it delivered to their home or choose to pick up their product in your store. This solution prevents the customer from leaving disappointed, and allows you to maximize your commission without inventory management.
5. The impact of online sales
More and more customers prefer to try on a garment in store and then buy it online, either to benefit from a discount or to have a product delivered to their home.
Example: A person may try on a pair of shoes in a store, but decide to purchase them online to take advantage of free shipping or a promotional offer.
Our answer: With E-POP Mode, you create an omnichannel experience by allowing your customers to buy directly online from your store. They can enjoy the benefits of e-commerce while supporting your local store. Whether it's to take advantage of an exclusive promotion, order online or pick up their product in store, E-POP Mode allows you to combine the advantages of physical and online shopping.
6. Lack of advice or support
Customers often appreciate being guided through their choices, whether it’s finding the right size, fit or even style. Lack of guidance can lead to frustration, causing the customer to leave without purchasing.
Example: A customer seeking advice on specific combinations or styles might not find an available salesperson and decides not to make a purchase.
Our answer: E-POP Mode helps improve the customer experience by offering an interactive service. By scanning a product, the customer can access additional information, ask questions online and check the availability of items.
7. The need for reassurance before buying
Some customers hesitate before making a decision, and simply visiting a store is part of their decision-making process. They want to see and touch the items before making a purchase.
Example: People sometimes take their time before deciding, especially when it comes to clothing where comfort and fit are essential criteria.
Our answer: Thanks to you, the customer discovers, touches and tries on the models in store. Information on the history of the brand, the method and place of manufacture, the origin of the materials will allow you to refine your sales pitch.
8. The effect of promotions and discounts
Waiting for a special offer or promotion can prevent a customer from buying immediately. They would rather wait for a discount, hoping for a better deal.
Example: A customer may wait for sales or end-of-season promotions before making a purchase, despite a strong attraction to certain products.
Our answer: We do not offer sales or discounts. However, the customer has the option to pay in installments, and they receive the models ordered at home free of charge.
You understand why your customers hesitate to buy, and turn those hesitations into real sales. By enabling your customers to navigate between the in-store experience and the benefits of online shopping, you create a seamless omnichannel experience that meets the expectations of modern consumers.
If you notice this recurring phenomenon of customers looking, touching and leaving without buying anything, it is time to adapt and adopt solutions like E-POP Mode. This technology will allow you to make the shopping experience more attractive and accessible, while building customer loyalty and increasing your sales.
So, don't let these customers leave without buying anything: give them the opportunity to complete their purchase at their own pace, while remaining in the universe of your store.